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What Basis Should Physicists Take into consideration when going on to quantize gravity

Writer's picture: camilla fezzicamilla fezzi

Written by Hala Abdelhamid


The motive for this research is to uncover the hidden phenomenon of the universe

that nothing but out instincts can detect. As we all know, astrophysics would hvave never

evolved without physics, and physics would have never evolved if it was not due to Newton

and Galileo, Einstein, then Max Planck and Niels Bohr. In those three stages, the concepts of

time, light, and mostly gravity – were always miles away from our comprehensive: the more

we understood newer aspects of each. However, as physicists have been on a quest to find a

unified theory of everything – there was one huge, unavoidable obstacle aways managed to

deter their efforts and research. This obstacle is not a concept that can be fully explained

theoretically and practically. Rather, it is a potential theory physicists hope to prove to

uncover an ample of sequestered phenomenon lying beneath our universe’s wide sea.

I. Introduction: What is Quantum Gravity

In his book “Seven Brief Lessons on Physics”, Carlo Rovelli summarized seven physics

concepts - concepts that he thought deep down believed were tje building blocks of physics,

and were the keys that could unlock past and future mysteries. The most vital concept he

spoke of, at the end of his book, was the “Theory of Loop Quantum Gravity.” Rovelli

presented solid scientific, logical, and mathematial evidence as to why he has faith that

“Loop Gravity” is going to be the next msjor physics revolution. His analysis included the

theory’s lack of involving new dimensions in our universe, contradict the Lorentz invariance,

has theconcept of “infinite distance” and infinity as a philosophy – a philosophy that should

be implemented in our modern physics understanding and existing at the root of our brains as the most sufficient understanding of the reality of mere reality. On the other, there is

another modern theory – proposed on the summer of 1968 by one of the all-time physics

legends, Gabrielle Veneziano. In his paper “Construction of a crossin- symmetric, Regge

behaved amplitude for linearly- rising trajectories”, Veneziano attempted to explain the

puzzling mystert of the fierceful yet tenuous forces existing in our universe. His paper

marked the beginning of the “String Theory.”

String theory is an interconnection between various physics theories. In more concise terms, it uses the principle of addition while adding a long interval involving various physics theories, yet yielding more complex, perplexing results. String theory’s core ideas originate from a theory that puts a vivid, initial start for particle physics: all “particles” are microscopically vibrating strings that cause massive macroscopc changes solely due to their their instinctive vibrating phenomenon.

When eyeing this situation meticulously from the eyes of gravity, it can be logically inferred that the “strings” give rise to “gravitons” – quantum mechanical particles that actually transmit gravitational force. While String theory might seem an eloquent, forthright explanation of the natural phenomenon of the sequestered secrets of gravity, its principal philosophies are not firmly glued to one another when centering gravity as a “core” in te universe, with all other particles and forces orbiting it.

For instance, the perks of String Theory are an easy bait for

the critics. As a matter of fact, String theory asserts that the universe consists of ten

dimensions in total (while the M-theory String theory predicts that elevent exist, but this idea

will be discussed later alongside its bright sides and dull sides). The reason behind the

stunningly huge amount of dimensions is due to the” strings” peculisr movements and

wiggles, the motion that cannot occur in our spatial three dimesions or even when adding

time – the fourth dimension- to the puzzle. There are still hidden pieces of the jigsaw puzzle,

ones involving force and others involving time; they can allbe summed up in one inquiry

“What intervals does gravity impact? And, what hidden impacts does gravity have on the

universe – mostly effects humans observe by their instincts rather than their brains.

II. Methodology

The loop approach to quantum gravity was first introduced in 1987 in a conference in

India. Ever since then, the loop quantum gravity theory was catchy topic that was

carefully eyed by physicists and astrophysicists. This tentative theory provides a

practical implementation of the Planck scale quantum geometry, multiple calculation

techniques, and a bunch of predictions in regards of mostly classical physics and the

peculiar phenomena regarding black holes’ thermodynamics. Due to the theory’s

immense dependence on the utilization of particles at an infinitely tiny scale (a

quantum level), there is no vivid physical evidence to prove or disprove the theory.

Theoretically speaking, the puzzles surrounding the theory’s lack of including scalar

products, impartiality of the loop bases, and the plethora of perplexity in regards to

identity of states have become solidly resolved.

On the other hand, dynamics remains

an enormous obstacle in the path of verifying the legitimacy of the theory. The

baseline of the loop quantum gravity theory is independent of various factors that

remain ambivalent to supersymmetry, which is a theory that proposes that a

microscopic symmetry exists in the exact midst of each particles – causing them to

spin and transform to a second particle they are connected with (it suggests bosons

spin to alternate to fermions, vice versa). If supersymmetry was disproved, then there

lies a hollow in our initial understanding of particle physics. Another tentative theory

tackling the tangled relation between gravity and quantum mechanics “String theory.”

String theory disagrees with loop quantum theory on a solid point: particle physics.

String theorists believe that there are tiny “strings” that make up the universe and

have the ability to alter the space-time fabric and gravity. In simple terms, those

microscopic strings are the basis of force, energy, and just everything. These strings

vibrate to cause motion, join to cause strenuous connections (like those between space

and time), or split and cause tiny shatters that have humungous impacts. String theory

works at higher dimensions and confirm the existence of the supersymmetry, unlike

the theory of loop quantum gravity.

III. Discussion of Expected Results:

Young string theorists of todays investigate by shedding light on the similarities between

String theory and Loop quantum gravity, rather than disproving of one for the sake of the

other. They often assert that string theory and loop quantum gravity are merely “two sides of

the same coin”, which means they are “complementary” theories, rather than vivid

reciprocals. The lack of experimental evidence of the two is one of the reasons why none of

them is considered scientifically superior than the other.

IV. Reference

[1]Rovelli, Carlo “Seven Brief Lessons About Physics”




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